Time Management Software
working time and estimates the employee productivity individually.
Features Delivered
Holds the basic information, like employee name with their Id,
in, and out time
If in case the employee(s) have left any message it can be found under this section which will be helpful for their peers and the supervisor/manager as well.
Pop-up tabs
Holds the list of total number of employees present and absent by displaying the numbers, by licking the right tab the supervisor can view further details on the complete information of employee in the respective section.
Personalized Information
To retrieve information regarding a specific employee, the manager/supervisor can access this section that displays a particular employee’s work information like in and out time working hours, tasks handled etc.
Adding New Employee
- Employee name
- Employee ID
- Role Assigned
- Area Allotted
- Department
- Floor Allotted
- Area Allotted
- Job nature enrolled
- Salary Provided
- Salary Provided
- Image
- Qualification
- Address
- Phone number

HR Management
Ranging from human resource development to payroll management and carrying out the employer and employee relationship, the role of an HR gets widened both vertically and horizontally covering a huge space in an organization. A manual approach is not sufficient in this radically changing digitized business world, hence, even the HR space requires the assistance of technology, and automation is contributing to the highest when it comes to tech supporter.
Our automated HR management software gives meaningful contribution in all the departments of HR functionalities in easing down the entire working process, say filtering hundreds of resume to pick the perfect matched one.
Payroll Management
The handling of the payroll process is a crucial task for HR space, and it requires keen concentration to carry forward it smoothly, starting from collecting inputs regarding payroll to framing policies the subcategories involved in payroll keeps widening and it increases the complexity in an HR professional's job.
A lot of payroll process can be automated say depositing the salary for the concerned employee and until it can also get in-depth to analyzing the factors that can highly contribute to the upliftment of an employee's hike. By implementing our automated payroll management software, now the HR professionals can focus on decision making related task and leave behind routine operations in the safe hands of AI.