The smart fence is a semi-intelligent one that can communicate with gadgets supporting wireless technology. It has speakers and a CCTV camera so you can talk to people and other Wireless Secure Devices. Additionally, it has a visually appealing, colored enclosure. Its goal is to safeguard a perimeter while maintaining a beautiful aesthetic, resulting in a welcoming atmosphere.

A dead fence is an antiquated deterrent to intruders. But with the Smart Fence, you may have advanced protection against trespassers while also adding lovely and useful. Therefore, smart fences are developed by a smart fence development company, a new way to make both aesthetically pleasing and functional fences as security and communication equipment. Alarms, traffic monitoring, and other electrical systems can all employ smart fences. It raises the level of protection on the property, guaranteeing that you, our nation, and our possessions are always protected.

Impactful design of smart fencing system

Developing, adapting, and improving high-performance solar fence technology is vital in light of the rise in terrorist attacks. When a solar fencing watch system is insufficiently effective, the presence of 100 cameras will be ineffective.
The site enclosure described here is the most effective security fence design. It includes an advanced solar fencing system, IPIR long and short vision cameras, restricted entrance devices, thermal cameras, an auto monitoring system, and a solar fencing system. It is the outcome of continual sensor and computer network development. Operator workload is reduced as a result, and reaction readiness is improved.
A multi-layered technique uses a few distinct security rings with video imaging that focuses on numerous locations on both the inner and outer circles. These fencing systems are useful for forensics as well as helping to stop intrusions from happening. The positioning technology allows for complicated queries rather than focusing on a particular geographic area, while the software is useful in evaluating detailed footage of a given spot.
When the perimeter illumination is switched off, one of the riskiest events at a certain location, fence watching, can prove to be essential. It is because they can see clearly despite it being completely black outside. For high-end security fencing applications, a solar fencing system is helpful.

From the following, you can supervise and control the perimeter

Using the
keypad on the

control room



Safe yet powerful
deterrent and detector

Energy modes (High and
low both)

Battery backup and
a charger

LCD keypad for programming
and control

Several configurable

Monitor through PC (with the
help of Perimeter software)

Control inputs with the ability to
accept NO or NC control contacts


The technology can locate
and target intruders.

It is possible to follow intruders from one
camera to the next automatically.

The system can detect any dangerous action occurring at a distance of 10 feet outside the predetermined parameter.

Additionally, the system can identify any unlawful activity occurring within the parameter.

When a breach occurs, it also helps to focus on violations of the rules established in that zone.

Central monitoring system (CMS)

The site’s security fencing system can be controlled and maintained by an operator from a remote or centralized location thanks to the integrated central monitoring system.
A wide range of features, including perimeter security, sensor monitoring, alarm signal, video management, fence watch, gadget and sensor activation, etc., are promised by the system. Functions


  • The system operator is informed of how various field electronics are performing.
  • The fence zone, FWS icon, and fence controller are displayed. The CMS software activates and disarms the solar fencing in line with the zones.
  • In the event of an attempted incursion, the audio hooter is automatically activated.
  • The CMS software makes it simple to handle and acknowledge intrusion warnings.
  • Data logging, alarm archiving, field electronics accessibility, zone voltages, and other features are all possible with the software.
  • Power fencing systems against any unlawful entry help security.

India's first 'smart fence project along the India-Pak border

The Border Security Force uses the technology, and senior paramilitary officers will demonstrate how the smart fence’s activation and response mechanisms work using smart fence development company. A variety of gadgets are used by smart fencing for data storage, communication, and observation. As part of the smart fence, sensors like thermal imagers, subsurface sensors, fiber optic sensors, radar, and sonar will be put on various platforms like aerostats, towers, and poles.
The new equipment allows for continuous border observation in all types of weather, including rain, fog, and dust storms. The project is a component of the comprehensive, integrated border management system (CIBMS) that the government has decided to deploy at these two borders to seal them off and prevent illegal immigration and infiltration. Enable quick response to any entry or infiltration attempt, the laser fence, and other devices have been integrated, and a BSF post will receive a CCTV-like feed.

Smart fences secure India's borders with Bangladesh and Pakistan

The government has implemented the nation’s first comprehensive, integrated border management system along the riverine portion of Assam’s border with Bangladesh. The Border Security Forces (BSF) are implementing the smart fence project by a smart fence development company to cover the weak spots along Bangladesh’s and Pakistan’s borders with India. The ambitious plan by the government to safeguard the border with fencing includes the construction of the smart fencing system in Assam.
Barbed fencing, smart fencing, and an extensive integrated border management system are very different (CIBMS). The first is the physical fencing to secure the border and prevent smuggling. The electrical technologies that are added to the barbed wire in smart fences make detecting activity along the border easier. Lastly, CIBMS is employed when a physical border security system is impractical due to geographic constraints. CIBMS uses technology powered by sensors to find any movement in the air, ground, or water.
We may build no fence because the border area in the Dhubri area of Assam is beside a river. Therefore, we put the CIBMS in place there. We have set up electronic barriers close to the border that will block any activity in the area. The sensors will promptly transmit the movement they detect to the headquarters and control rooms.

Our trailblazing smart fence system

In the smart fencing system, we incorporate cutting-edge technologies. It has both vision-based cameras and thermal cameras. The vision-based cameras watch for any unauthorized objects entering the fence, while the AI-based thermal cameras watch for unauthorized people trying to enter at night from a distance. Highly sensitive vibration sensors keep an eye out for unauthorized attempts to enter through the earth. We will send the captured data to the high-level communication system of the barrier. We will share all data collected by the high-level satellite-connected fencing system with the appropriate parties. We are putting smart poles within the fence and using drones to check the surrounding areas every two to three hours. In addition to wire fencing, there is also laser fencing, which automatically identifies any small objects that enter and shares the information with the communicating system. These intelligent fences can be utilized as a house wall and in cross-border areas between countries.