Online Exam Software
Conduct Exams Online
Online Exam Software Development Company
The digital disruption is conquering the entire business world at a rapid pace, and enterprises irrespective of their industry are in a compelling situation now to adapt to the online conditions. The academic industry is no exception in it, and the current pandemic situation has left them clueless and provided a space to think the beneficiary of availing the digital transformation. Conducting exams or tests is a tiresome process since it involves various activities like question paper generation to declaring results. Every activity involved in it requires a certain amount of manual effort and direct presence.
Being a tech-driven company, we find a huge scope here to convert the traditional examination process to online with complete security and high authentication that gives no room for malpractice. By utilizing our online exam web app and online exam mobile application, now educational institutes can easily conduct any basic level of test to the main exam using an online platform that reduces the overall complexity.
The cheating happens in online exam is 0.6% higher than the offline/traditional exam method.
Guardian report states that online exam cheating got increased up to 42%
Online Proctoring Software Service
With the advent of technology, the fraudulence also gets even advanced and the online examination system is no exception. Students started using various technologies to carry out their advanced malpractices and hence we have come with a one-stop AI-solution to stop these activities.
Our AI-enabled online proctoring software service detects every single movement of the student while taking the exam and detains them immediately if they found to get involved in any suspicious malpractice activity by terminating the test.

AI-enabled Online Proctoring Software Services
Facial Analysis Tool

Facial Detection

Facial Verification

Facial Landmark

Iris Verification

Deploying Browser Security

Recording Proctoring Process

Reviewing Proctoring Process
Extensive Features- Online Examination App
Question Bank
Candidate Management
Create Test
Purchase and Sell
Take the Test
Analytical Report
Security Integration
Cloud Integration
Exam Settings
Result and Ranking
How our Online Exam Software Works?
For Admin
A superlative web portal that carries out complete functionality set up for the admin to manage, monitor, control, and edit the entire operability happening in allied with the online examination process. The educational/academic institute can now assign a dedicated supervisor or admin to handle the monitoring process and make necessary and timely changes and update whenever required.
For Students
Students got availed with the privilege of utilizing both the web app and mobile app of our online exam software to the core, where they can find the entire allotted functionalities for them both on the big screen and in their smartphone as well. Certain software that we have released at the right time gives deadlock to the students' malpractice activities and thoughts and also assists the administrative staff in reducing their routine works.
Tests Our Online Exam App Supports
To get developed your customized online exam software
Beneficiaries of Online Exam App

The schools can conduct their normal session test to the big annual exam by using our efficacious online exam software, the exam conducting tool we deliver to schools narrow down the approach of administrative and assigned examination staffs and also brings in higher cost optimization for the management. Now the need for postponement or abandoning of exams due to external influencing factors can be easily avoided that adds value to time as well.

Colleges / Universities
Conducting semester exams for hundreds and thousands of your inter-departmental student candidates is no more a tiresome process, we have developed advanced AI-enabled online exam software that eases up the entire process and maintains high security as well to ensure the complete online examination flawlessly takes place. Moreover, we do possess certain templates and capable enough to create customized test modules to conduct specialized entrance exam for your college/university.

Training Centers
Tests and exams are a frequent part and parcel of the training centers, especially the one who provides training for competitive exams. Ranging from session to final exam several tests keep happening in the training institute, and they got forced to spend a lot at a certain situation at the examination logistic, and evaluation process as well. It drains out a lot of their resource and leaves them incompetent to provide efficient training to all, our online exam software eradicates this issue and assist in providing full-fledged training.

Government Institutes
Several government institutions conduct training and also screening and shortlisting exams for various government and public sector roles, we do empathize their need and their desire to transform to the online platform hence we have developed dedicated online examination tool that converts their stereotypical approach and carries forward their operational efficiency by reducing and minimizing several routine tasks that eat up logistic and infrastructural spending.
Online Exam Software Services
Web App
Dedicated web application helps the admin to foresee the entire online examination activities without any chaos and also plays a pivotal role in helping the students to take the test on their laptop or desktop. The online exam software development services we deliver come out in a security-enabled web application format that facilitates both the stakeholders.
Mobile App
Highly customized AI-enabled online exam software service gets easily blended with the smartphone features and functionalities that highly encourage the end-user i.e. student to take active participation in the online exam. Moreover, the online exam app service gets easily integrated with the mobile functionalities, and it ensures high-end security as well.
What Are The Benefits Of Conducting Exams Online?
Security Assured
The process of shuffling question order is merely impossible in normal examination format, but, it is a normal approach in an online examination which gives no room for copying.
Easy Question Paper Generation
The question paper generation process is a highly complicated one in the current approach that involves various stages like selecting the questions, sorting them, appropriately printing the questions, and finally distributing them to all the exam centers securely. On the other hand, the online exam process doesn't require these steps, and it just gets done with a computer.
Quick Results
Announcing results in the normal examination format is a lengthy process where it takes evaluation and revaluation sometimes and counting to come up with the final one and still they are bound to human errors. But an online exam software can simultaneously count the marks based on the attempt and deliver error-free results on the spot.
Cut-down Examination Cost
Supervisors are still on board, and their contribution will be a constant one by having a change of invigilating virtually or even going a step ahead of the student can take the test in front of the camera where our online proctoring software application comes to the play onboard. It detects and immediately intimates any alteration of student or malfunctioning activities.
No Exam Centers
The spending on the exam hall infrastructure, students' commutation time and money gets highly saved. At the same time, the online examination requires only a microphone and a web camera to carry out the remote invigilation or remote proctoring using renowned software.
Reduced Examination Spending
Examination spending varies depending on several factors like the type of exam, participant, venue, and other factors, every exam has its spending cost, and it gets nullified with our online exam software. Spending on arrangements and other infrastructural materials will get completely eradicated post the adoption of the online exam module.
Zero Logistics Spending
Logistic spending goes to sky-high especially for the participant who goes for a competitive exam, the concerned authority needs to spend on the transportation charges of the invigilating faculty and also the participant at times. Online exam module completely wipes out this approach and spares no expense in terms of logistic.
Flexible Time
Both the exam giver and the generator have an ample amount of time to carry out the process, since, the logistic and other related spending are adjusted and nullified here the examination papers can be designed and the exam can be given at the flexible time.
Avail Subjective Exams as well
Online exams not just restricted to multiple-choice/ true or false? Fill in the blanks questions; they can even expand their wings to subjective question answering, where the attending applicants can write up in the given space online without the involvement of any diagrams or art.
Results and Ranking
Declaration of results and ranking made easy and simple in the online exam platform, where the current result and ranking announcing process is highly complicated concerning administrative activities.