Beacon is a technology, which is still considered to be in its nascent stages. There is a lot that needs to be explored about the technology and there are many ways in which it can be implied. But so far the applications of Beacon technology have not be fully recognized. Many companies have failed to understand the technology completely before trying to apply it; and between understanding and applying it, they got lost somewhere to give it up resulting in a failed project. However, beacon technology is not about failed projects at all. It has a lot of successful projects to have gained popularity in the smartphone industry, especially in the section dedicated to retail.
Beacon uses Bluetooth Low-Energy wireless technology in order to identify the location of the customers in a store and then deliver messages to their mobile devices related to the sales of store products or services. The retail industry has been the most successful employer of beacon technology so far. iStudio Technologies keep itself ready with the latest thing in beacon technology and that is the reason to be known in the market as best mobile app provider in Chennai.
It was introduced to the smartphone industry by Apple and while people took time to understand its massive capabilities, it has caught on like fire and every company wants to utilize beacon. Apps that are beacon enabled when they were built have the ability to connect with the beacons and get suggestions or locations and even sale information in the form of messages. So if you entered a mall or a supermarket you may find yourself getting messages regarding the sales of products or information about flash sales on your smartphone. This is happening with the help of beacon technology which is being used by a particular store or by the entire mall or supermarket.
All these places are testing beacon technology to understand how they can make the best use of it. The only thing is that beacon at this time is fairly new to the world and we are still exploring the ways in which this technology can be put to use. For those who are using it, there are trial and error methods where sometimes it succeeds and other times it fails. iStudio Technologies has been known as the perfect mobile app development company in Chennai and hence we are committed to provide the right solution.
Imagine GPS working in a way where a specific app would give you access to a certain area of the world map only. This means you will have to look for a different app if you were to look for a different area. So Netherlands may be accessed by a different app while United States has a different app altogether. This will entail too many apps in your smartphone and you may almost give up the use of GPS if it were to be like this.
Similarly, beacon technology at this time is tied to apps which limit it to an area. The power of beacon technology lies beyond limited areas. With the Internet of things and communication taking a new phase altogether, we cannot have powerful technology like this limited to certain apps only. We have been providing the apt solutions to stay active mobile app developer in Chennai.
Beacon technology requires the use of a smartphone app. So, if a brand does not have a beacon enabled app then it may not be able to utilize the technology. You will have to ensure that your brand has an app which is beacon enabled before you discuss the possibilities of installing beacons in the store.
While big brands may find it convenient enough to get their users to install their apps, smaller brands may not get into it because they may not own an app for their brand yet. This means they would have to build an app and ensure that it is beacon enabled. Then push their users to install the app so that they can use the beacon technology when the users visit their stores.
Imagine GPS working in a way where a specific app would give you access to a certain area of the world map only. This means you will have to look for a different app if you were to look for a different area. So Netherlands may be accessed by a different app while United States has a different app altogether. This will entail too many apps in your smartphone and you may almost give up the use of GPS if it were to be like this.
Similarly, beacon technology at this time is tied to apps which limit it to an area. The power of beacon technology lies beyond limited areas. With the Internet of things and communication taking a new phase altogether, we cannot have powerful technology like this limited to certain apps only. We have been providing the apt solutions to stay active mobile app developer in Chennai.
We understand that the customer base for iOS apps is generally concentrated in developed countries and of a rather higher class. The customers that the app is directed at is taken into consideration while creating them. All these reasons make us one of the highly revered app development companies in Chennai. We cater to clients from all over the over and have received positive feedback from 500+ clients.