A new age Custom healthcare
software solutions
Entire global people are ageing and facing more diseases and problems due to the modernized lifestyle, which makes the health care system into a complicated one and health services costlier. We help Individuals, hospitals, doctors, drug development companies, government organizations and health care research institutes to solve their day to day problems and provides solutions which makes them provide health care solutions future-ready. We are the best software development company in Chennai, India delivers custom-made software solutions for the healthcare industry.

Custom Healthcare Software
iStudio Technologies are one of the top healthcare solutions providers in Chennai, India, with 12 years of experience. Our software development process involves following guidelines of healthcare policies such as GDPR, HIPAA and FDA. Our healthcare software development services involve high clarity in the entire development process with a free consultation. We strictly adhere to OWASP standards to deliver secured software for your enterprise.

Healthcare data
iStudio technologies provides you various healthcare data exchange solutions which are recommended by medscape , NCBI, WHO and other major health organizations. We provide you with a complete healthcare data exchange consultation, system architecture and implements it successfully so that you can use the healthcare data efficiently to make necessary decisions across platforms without any dependencies.

Integration with third party health care
software applications
Hospitals are slowly converting into the digitization era with basic operations have already been acquired by the digitization process. But the one hurdle that stops hospitals from getting completely digitized is its vulnerability of getting exposed to different software from different vendors that leads to a synchronized operation. The improper implementation of software leads to its evacuation later or non-usage. And to the worst, some software will not allow data integration also. We are here to help you out with enhancing the interoperability of your hospital management software that includes enabling various software operability process like integration and data transfer. Being an experienced team of software developers in Chennai, India, we handle data integration with great care into your healthcare management system.

Data security
The most important concern with regards to healthcare software development is the security of data. We follow industry best practices, and we update the security protocols as per the latest data security recommendations. We are having high-end security in the development area as we well as in the server which monitors active hacker attempts, high level network security, DDoS attacks, and data access by employees. We are having experienced ethical hacker, security specialist, network specialist, System expert and data storage specialist those who work as avengers against attacks. All the process will be audited by our separate team to ensure high-level data security. We are one of the reputed healthcare software development company in Chennai, India, providing a secured healthcare software development.
We follow healthcare data exchange standards

What are the healthcare data
- EHR data
- Pharmacy data
- Prescription data
- No data sharing between clinical research centers
- Patients information
- Medical records
- Payment
- Monitoring systems
- Wearable data
- Genomic data
- DNA data
- Research data
The following four parameters are involved
in the healthcare data
flawlessly and at a swift rate.

Definition of data elements
Defines what is the data needs to be collected and exchanged

Data exchange formats
Structuring data elements and information's about the relationship between the data elements

Implementation of medical terms and concepts to describe, classify and code the data elements.

Knowledge representation
Standard protocols to represent electronically medical literature, clinical guidelines etc..
Message Format standards

HL7 - Clinical Data

DICOM - Digital imaging and communication in medicine

NCPDP - Retail pharmacy messaging

LOINC - Reporting of laboratory results
Mobile app development for
health care industry
Electronic Health Record / Exchange
Automated Digital Prescriptions
AI ICU monitoring & Alert system
Remote health monitoring
Online health consultation
Personalized medicine
Personalized health Monitoring
Disease prediction systems

Disease spread prediction system
Smart Hospital System
Decentralised patient data
Personalized health insurance
Assistive health Technology
All script Integration
PACS / DICOM viewer development
Practice Management Software
HL7 data interchange
HL7 Interface software development Services /
Implementation services
We provide HL7 implementation with the
following standards:
- HL7 2.x Messaging standard - Specification for primary health medical data
- HL7 3 Messaging standard - Specification for primary health medical data with web service protocol SOAP
- Clinical Document Architecture( CDA) - Clinical document exchange standard based on HL7
- Continuity of care Document (CCD) - Exchange data standard of medical summaries based on CDA
- Structured product labeling (SPL) - The data with a medicine information based on HL 7
- GELLO - Mostly used expression language for clinical decision support
- Clinical Context Object Workgroup (CCOW) - A data standard for visual integration of user applications
- Fast healthcare Interoperability resources (FHIR) - A data standard to exchange of resources
- Arden Syntax - a grammar standard to represent the medical conditions and recommendations
- Claims attachment - A healthcare data attachment to support/ initiate another healthcare transaction
- Electronic health record - EHR / Personal Health record - PHR - A primary and standard data format to store the health and medical conditions
HL 7 Interface
Development services
- PMS Prescription systems
- lab equipment systems
HL7 Viewer Development

Standard implementation
DICOM is a standard for managing and exchanging medical imaging data between multiple platforms. DICOM developed by the American College of Radiology and National Electrical Manufacturers Association. DICOM is a worldwide accepted standard for storing and exchanging different medical images generated by various medical imaging instruments like radiography, ultrasonography, computed topography, magnetic resonance imaging and radiation therapy.
DICOM is most widely accepted format to store, access and distribute images between different medical imaging devices like scanners, printers, network hardware and PACS ( Picture archiving and communicating systems) and its a common standard among medical device manufacturers.
Why DICOM is important?
DICOM data exchange
and viewer development
Advantages of
implementing DICOM
- Common image exchange format that can be used across different applications
- Exchange of image data between different hospitals will help to make the treatment faster
- Medical history images of a patient can be stored and retrieved easily across platforms which ensures doctors to see complete health history of the patient