Automated Hospital Management System

Hospital Management Software
Development Company
Healthcare industry has always been a crucial one due to its nature, managing even a small clinic is highly tiresome activity with the outdated paper works. As hospitals are turning out to be semi-automated covering some its areas like human resource management and bill payment it is now found to be the high time for hospitals to get turned into completely automated system. Embracing complete systemized automation is the right solution for the current chaos faced by majority of the hospital managements in today’s scenario. We provide the most enhanced automated hospital management software that helps your management to work in a most efficient way. We are the best Hospital management Software Development Company in Chennai, India who brings real automation to uplift hospital management system.
Some Of The Seamless And Cutting-Edge Advantages Catered By Our
Automated Hospital Management Are:
- Fair automated platform that is tailor-made with functionalities for all the user types
- Brings in 8 types of user accounts (Admin, Patients, Doctors, Nurses, Laboratorists, Pharmacists, Receptionists and Accountants)
- Fixing doctor’s appointment has become easier
- Enables patients to have one to one communication with doctors
- Easy to track and manage with hospital accommodations
- Easy drug tracking
- Holds complete record on avail group of blood
- Holds complete and accurate set of records of diagnostic reports
- Simple and effective payroll management system
- Hence we deliver a complete package of automated software solution for hospitals that helps every department to do a coordinated work in a effective way.
How Automated Hospital Management System Works?

Top hospital management software development company in Chennai, India who have deployed a structured working process that provides separate working functionalities for all the hospital staffs which directly monitored by AI tool.
User Functionality

For Doctors
- Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Allocates shift timing for the entire week or month
- Lists the details about nurses and other technicians working with them
- Handles their payroll
- Monitors their interaction with patients
- Helps in fixing appointment with patients

- Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Allocates shift timing for the entire week or month
- Lists the details about doctors, lab technicians working with them
- Our custom made automated hospital management software incorporates all the functionalities of every staff members according to their role

- Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Lists the details about doctors, lab technicians working with them
- Frequent interaction with lab technicians regarding availability of equipment’s and other test items
- Handles their payroll
- Intimates them about appointments with patients for lab test
- Helps in fixing appointment with patients

- Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Allocates shift timing for the entire week or month
- Frequent interaction with pharmacists regarding availability of drugs, their categories and other medicinal items
- Handles their payroll
Being the most renowned hospital management software development company in Chennai, India our sole aim is to fix the traditional issues still prevailing in the pharmacies and laboratories of hospital by providing them a efficient platform to perform well in a hassle free way.

- Handling the complete stock of hospital accommodation and other amenities
- Managing clean and other housekeeping staffs
- donors
- Handle patient payments without any obstacles
- One of the sole purpose behind creating this hospital management tool is to address and fix all the traditional issues faced for a longer period of time by the pharmacies and laboratories of the hospital.
- Verifies patient’s medical history which is previously uploaded and suggests them with proper medication
- Carry out virtual one to one interaction with patients to clarify their medical doubts
- Provide authority to doctors to suggest regarding latest lab equipment’s, medicines to the admin
- Virtually assists nurse staffs for treating minor disease and illness
- Track patient’s improvement post operation
- Helps to manage their own account to update their details and check with payroll


- Once they got registered, admin will be verifying their details and add a patient to the automated hospital management system
- Patients can also get referred to particular experts just by adding the details regarding their problem and complete medical history
- Patients can get to know about doctor’s availability according to the type of disease that they suffer
- Patients can even get to know about the fee charged per sitting when it comes to consulting with particular health expert
- Patients can also find information about the lab tests being performed and its working hours
- Patients can also get to know about the details of some specific medicine depending on their demand
- Slot flexible appointment for consultations and operations
- Post successful registration, nurses can get directly connected with admin and doctors to keep updating with their daily activities
- They can log-in and customize their personal information whenever necessary
- Nurse employees can log-in and get to know about their shift timings for a week or month time period
- Using this automated system, they can also intimate regarding leave and permission taken
- They can access the information regarding doctors and other co-working staff using this automated system
- They can easily checkout their payroll by accessing their account
- This specific hospital management software helps to avoid the chaos in shift allocation among nurse employees and keep them well informed about their schedules.


- Post successful registration, lab technicians can login and add complete details regarding the available equipment’s and tools (it includes, date of purchase, quantity, details on manufacturing company, expire date, license details )
- They can consult with the particular medical expert and suggest the management regarding the purchase of new equipment’s
- They can access their personal details and edit them whenever required
- They will get immediate and timely inform about their shift allocation
- They can get proper clarity on their payments
- Automated hospital management software we deliver lends a great helping hand for the laboratorist by effectively managing the machines, tools and other instruments.
- Once they got registered successfully, pharmacists can log-in anytime and add their personal details and edit whenever required
- They need to completely update the information regarding the availability of medicines, and other medicinal items in the pharmacy (it includes, date of purchase, quantity, details on manufacturing company, expire date, license details)
- They will get proper and prior intimation from admin regarding shift allocation
- Pharmacists can even, consult with the doctors for purchasing any new kind of medicine through this automated system
- They will get transparent information regarding their salary details
- The pharmacists are not bounded to any stressful work anymore, as our automated hospital management tool ease up their work in brilliantly handling the entire medicinal stocks.


- Keep updating regarding out-patients visit per day
- Updating details on in-patients
- Updating information regarding call enquiry, application enquiry and details on other enquiry from patient side
- Intimating the admin if there is any change in doctor’s visit
- Intimating admin regarding leave or permission taken by a hospital working staffs (nurse, ward boys, lab technicians, pharmacists and housekeeping people)
- Updating the details regarding business and other marketing visits to admin
- Access their account and add or edit personal information whenever necessary
- Get to know about their salary structure in a transparent way Now the receptionists can handle all the appointments in an effortless way by making good use of our automated tool for hospital management.
- Allocate fund for purchasing hospital amenities
- Manages hospital accommodation requirement
- Allocate funds for purchasing pharmaceutical and tab items
- Allocate salary payment for doctors and other working staffs
- Manages tax and other government oriented payments
- Tallying the inflow and outflow of monitory resources is no more a hectic job for the accountants since they can maintain the complete account in a flawless way using our automated hospital management tool.

Module Features
- Payment : Handles their payroll
- Qualification and Experience : Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Work Allocation : Allocates shift timing for the entire week or month
- Co-workers details : Lists the details about nurses and other technicians working with them
- Payment : Handles their payroll
- Monitoring- Monitors their interaction with patients
- Appointment : Helps in fixing appointment with patients
- Patient image
- Patient name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Age
- Blood group
- Case history
- Contact number
- E-mail id (if available)
- Qualification and Experience : Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Work Allocation : Allocates shift timing for the entire week or month
- Co-workers details : Lists the details about doctors, lab technicians working with them
- Payment : Handles their payroll
- Personal Details : Holds complete information like name, age, address and contact number
- Qualification and Experience : Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Work Allocation : Allocates shift timing for the entire week or month
- Stock Maintenance : Frequent interaction with pharmacists regarding availability of drugs, their categories and other medicinal items
- Payment : Handles their payroll
- Personal Details : Holds complete information like name, age, address and contact number
- Qualification and Experience : Holds the record of their education and work experience
- Co-workers details : Lists the details about doctors, lab technicians working with them
- Stock Maintenance : Frequent interaction with lab technicians regarding availability of equipment’s and other test items
- Payment : Handles their payroll
- Fixing appointments : Intimates them about appointments with patients for lab test
- Personal Details : Holds complete information like name, age, address and contact number
- Financial Interaction : Interact with accountant regarding all financial transactions
- Personal Details : Holds complete information like name, age, address and contact number
- Day-to-Day activities : Gather information from receptionist regarding day-to-day activities happening in the hospital
- Personal Details : Holds complete information like name, age, address and contact number
- Hospital Accommodation : Handling the complete stock of hospital accommodation and other amenities
- House Keeping : Managing cleaning and other housekeeping staffs
- Blood Bank : Keeps updated record of available blood groups, their quantity and the list of blood donors
- Bill Payment : Handle patient payments without any obstacles
- Dashboard : Patients can also get referred to particular experts just by adding the details regarding their problem and complete medical history
- Appointment Fixing : Patients can get to know about doctor’s availability according to the type of disease that they suffer
- Fee Details :Patients can even get to know about the fee charged per sitting when it comes to consulting with particular health expert
- Lab test : patients can also find information about the lab tests being performed and its working hours
- Medicine Availability : Patients can also get to know about the details of some specific medicine depending on their demand
- Fixture for operation : Slot flexible appointment for consultations and operations
- Initial Registration : Post successful registration, nurses can get directly connected with admin and doctors to keep updating with their daily activities
- Bed/ward : They can get to know about the details on patients they are supposed to take care according to bed and ward no
- Blood Bank : Can access the details regarding blood availability in terms of groups and its quantity
- Shift allocation : Nurse Employees can log-in and get to know about their shift timings for a week or month time period
- Leave and Permission : Using this automated system, they can also intimate regarding leave and permission taken
- Co-workers : They can access the information regarding doctors and other co-working staff using this automated system
- Payment : They can easily checkout their payroll by accessing their account
Lab Technicians
- Equipment details : Post successful registration, lab technicians can login and add complete details regarding the available equipment’s and tools (it includes, date of purchase, quantity, details on manufacturing company, expire date, license details )
- Upload Report : Once the test has been done the technician can directly upload into the server, which can be viewed by concerned doctor and patient
- Specialist Consultation : They can consult with the particular medical expert and suggest the management regarding the purchase of new equipment’s
- Shift Allocation : They will get immediate and timely inform about their shift allocation
- Payment : They can get proper clarity on their payments
- Personal Information : They can access their personal details and edit them whenever required
- Medicinal Stock : They need to completely update the information regarding the availability of medicines, and other medicinal items in the pharmacy (it includes, date of purchase, quantity, details on manufacturing company, expire date, license details)
- Shift allocation : They will get proper and prior intimation from admin regarding shift allocation
- Doctor consultation : Pharmacists can even, consult with the doctors for purchasing any new kind of medicine through this automated system
- Payment : They will get transparent information regarding their salary details
- Personal Information : pharmacists can log-in anytime and add their personal details and edit whenever required
- Patient Details : Keep updating regarding out-patients visit per day as well as the updated details on in-patients
- Patient Enquiry : Updating information regarding call enquiry, application enquiry and details on other enquiry from patient side
- Doctor’s visit : Intimating the admin if there is any change in doctor’s visit
- Staff Working Details : Intimating admin regarding leave or permission taken by a hospital working staffs (nurse, ward boys, lab technicians, pharmacists and housekeeping people)
- Business Activities : Updating the details regarding business and other marketing visits to admin
- Payment : Get to know about their salary structure in a transparent way
- Personal Information : Access their account and add or edit personal information whenever necessary
- Accommodation Funding : Allocate fund for purchasing hospital amenities
- Amenities Management : Manages hospital accommodation requirement
- Stock Purchase : Allocate funds for purchasing pharmaceutical and lab items
- Payroll : Allocate salary payment for doctors and other working staffs
- Tax payment : Manages tax and other government oriented payments
- Personal information : Access their account and add or edit personal information whenever necessary