Introduction Mobile applications have been popular for a very long time, and with the pandemic COVID-19, the necessity of the mobile app development trend in 2021 will reach its momentum. There are also several valid reasons for every existing business and ideas in the…
Author: istudio

What is the working of mobile and responsive website?
The focus of web designers as well as marketers for years has been mobile and responsive designs. In April 2015, to promote websites to use mobile or responsive design, Google made mobile-friendliness an official ranking factor in its search algorithm. Even though it may…

Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Digital Transformation
What is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is wide spoken term these days amongst the corporates and business organizations which are or not influenced or driven by technologies in their daily workability were these businesses found it is an essential transformation to be made despite…

Event Management Software
Introduction It is undeniable fact that we got stuck in an unexpected pandemic situation, where we need to pull things off our side and hence people from different industries are striving their hard and best to create a normal scenario which they lost due…

A Complete Checklist For HIPAA Compliance 2020
Introduction HIPAA compliances have become highly mandatory these days and the American government especially expect their healthcare institutes and organizations to follow this specific compliance and its allied regulations to carry out a structured and safe protocol that helps them with better operability and…

New Features a Website must have POST COVID-19
The wave of Corona virus has certainly hit hard the entire business world, and several organizations and even multi-national companies are taking some serious actions by framing new strategy and deploying new working methodologies to outbreak the downfall they met due to corona virus…

What Does Google Core Algorithm Update Teach Us?
In the previous blog, we have discussed about the arrival of the massive Google algorithm update and also a short introduction on the reason behind it and the changes it could cause in the web world amongst the users who are highly relying on…

All We Need to Know About Google Core Algorithm Update
Besides the lockdown situation due to Coronavirus pandemic, the Google have added up to the flame by making a strong and unexpected announcement that caused a severe shocking wave amongst several small and medium scale businesses that dependent on Google Search Engine for their…

Detailed Overview on WordPress Recent Updates
Despite getting affected by the unusual tough conditions of Coronavirus, the web world has some good news to here, WordPress CMS has announced its update in March 31st of this year and it will be soon reach out the market with promising update and…

Un Avoidable Web Design Trends For 2020
Introduction It is undeniable that the current pandemic situation has brought in drastic change to the entire world and the approaches made by several organizations and businesses have also witnessed a high level of transformation. The case of web design is bit peculiar here,…