New variations of digital marketing funnels - IStudio Technologies

New variations of digital marketing funnels


The digital marketing funnel now captures the non-linear journey that consumers take from businesses to customers. Because every user takes a different path, the new internet marketing funnel contains several variations.

Types of the digital marketing funnel

Hourglass digital marketing funnel

The ten steps of the hourglass-shaped digital marketing funnel put the client journey front and center. The need to preserve a strong relationship with current customers, earn their loyalty, and convert them into brand ambassadors is emphasized by this new digital marketing funnel method.
Marketers should follow six steps during the pre-buying stage to have more comprehensive data and a better approach to the customer journey based on the empathy map.

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Hourglass digital marketing funnel

The initial phase is to increase brand recognition and bring prospective customers interested in buying the good or digital marketing service to new markets. Having strong market control and leaving a lasting impression on clients is essential in today’s competitive marketplace.
Potential customers have many options, and they might have already contacted one of a competitor’s content marketing or digital marketing specialists. A strong brand presence and effective online reputation management may help the company attract more customers and spread the news more widely. iStudio digital marketing company in Chennai is one of the leading company to provide best digital marketing service.
Engagement - IStudio Technologies


Users are shocked that 93 percent of online experiences start with social media marketing. Consumers need a strong content marketing and SEO effort to ensure that the target audience sees the website whenever they have a question in this situation. Think about how frequently people search for answers to these questions, find service providers, or purchase products using Google analytics.
Most of the time, if consumers visit a website with a lot of helpful content that supports the claim, they may unintentionally promote that business’s brand. Users might choose a website with more authority and credibility if they were to choose again from whom to purchase a good or service. Through digital marketing, iStudio digital marketing company has a lot of happy clients.


Most customers will be looking for digital marketing service providers or product sellers online. They are eager to solve the problem and provide a range of options to pick from. Companies must invest in effective digital marketing strategies and take advantage of these changes.


The consumer would consider their options and decide how that good or service would help them with their problem. A company must be credible in the market and have a strong brand presence to encourage customers to believe in the business and ultimately purchase from it.

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Today’s consumers are better informed and have access to all the information they could ever need. As a result, defending and verifying the good or service is no longer necessary. For the business to win over its customers requires good reviews and case studies.
Justification - IStudio Technologies


The most important part of the process is when the customer purchases the good or service. To prevent customers from visiting a competitor’s website that may decide to advertise the branded keywords on Google, users may develop a robust search engine marketing campaign for the branded keywords.
Keep these customers now that they have purchased to reduce overall customer acquisition expenses and increase the lifetime value of each customer. Once more, this indicator could help firms improve their profitability and evaluate how well they are doing with social media marketing.


The on boarding process for new customers must be as easy as possible. If customers value what users have to give, they will return to a business and make another purchase. The greatest marketing strategy to adopt the offer is to let the customers use the goods in their regular life.


For any company, retention is one of the most popular online marketing and sales strategies because a high churn rate means less stability and income. Furthermore, it is well known that acquiring new customers costs more than maintaining existing ones.

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There’s a good possibility the consumer will like the product if the business offers exceptional customer service and satisfies their needs. Digital marketing company can upsell and cross-sell to existing customers to increase revenue and the customer’s overall lifetime value when digital marketers have the authority and trust. iStudio is the top digital marketing company in Chennai, offering the best services.

Expansion - IStudio Technologies


The final part of this digital marketing funnel effort is to ensure that clients become brand ambassadors. Once again, word-of-mouth advertising is the most effective form of online advertising that can give the business more clients and market authority.

The Loyalty Loop

The existence of a brand in the loyalty loop is communicated to customers. Due to this mood and trigger, the clients were able to evaluate the numerous possibilities and continue the evaluation process. In this new stage, consumers prioritize gathering information and weighing their options. Customers buy the item when they are completely satisfied with the details and available choices. However, in the loyalty loop marketing funnel, existing consumers’ post-buy experiences affect whether they would return and make another purchase or look for alternatives.
Given their access to so much information and choice, consumers frequently reassess their decision to continue using a product. Customers are likely to buy from a business again if they enjoy using the product, have a good experience with customer care, get what they want, and eventually complete their purchase. They are currently caught in a loop where they love the good or service and utilize it frequently. The following step is volunteering as a brand spokesman and spreading the word for no cost.
Finally, if people continue to support a business and use the goods, they could develop a close bond with it and turn into their best-possible client. This loyalty loop considers the consumer encounters with the business that impact their continued loyalty beyond the first transaction.

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Micro-Moment digital marketing funnel

A Google concept called the “micro-moment” aims to inspire potential customers to enter a digital marketing funnel. It is broken up into four sections:

Want to know the moment

The customer needs to answer their questions before moving further in the sales process. Stay up with prospective queries from the target demographic; the business needs a strong content marketing strategy and an ongoing marketing process. It would also be great to cover new industry subjects and market trends to outperform the competition during this want-to-know phase.

Want to do moment

Mobile phones have become an important part of daily life, so consumer behavior and how people engage with digital media have significantly shifted. As a result, during the desire to do moments, the target audience may eagerly anticipate learning, watching, or experiencing something.

Want to go moment

As part of the want-to-go moment, the target audience may have a desire to go to a physical or online store, also referred to as a website. In this case, the business requires a robust online presence, and the website needs to be eye-catching to attract readers. To avoid confusion and give customers the best possible experience with the brand, users should include all information about the actual store on their website.

Want to buy moment

During the desire to buy period, the customer wants to make a purchase. As a result, the business requires a strong digital marketing strategy that enables it to connect with current clients in the most practical manner. For instance, the company might spend money on advertising space for a branded keyboard to keep customers from going to rivals.


Once you have a thorough understanding of your target audience, it is simple to choose the digital marketing funnel type that best suits your requirements. Contact iStudio digital marketing company for more information so that our experts can help you decide which option is ideal for your needs.

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