Creating a successful startup is not an easy task, it requires unique ideation as the base, followed by collecting required funds at the right time and forming a valuable and strong team that drives the progress of the startup.
The technology startup requires further added elements like creating an application, but most of the startup founders won’t take a risk in creating a complete one instead, they opt for framing a minimum viable product (MVP).
Now, here comes the question for using the suitable programming language in creating the minimum viable product.
This blog corner will suggest you some of the leading programming languages that help the startups to carry out the application development stage successfully irrespective of their domain nature.
We are the leading web development company in Chennai, India who are experts in various programming languages and deliver required technical support in building the perfect application for your business.
When it comes to suggesting the best programming language for a tech startup, Ruby and Ruby on Rails strike first with its seamless feature of creating the flexible MVP for any application.

Ruby is an interpreted language that has dynamic typing and very well known for its object-oriented nature.
The core aim of Ruby is to facilitate developers wellness and the founder Matz made sure it by developing a tool that showcased programming as a fun and enjoyable work.
By keeping this aim in mind, the Ruby creators framed developer-friendly syntax to code faster and efficient way.
We are the best Ruby on Rails development company in Chennai, India who helps organizations to build the most lucrative applications.
Being a general-purpose programming language Ruby can be used to create any kind of application ranging from a simple one to highly complicated and multi-functional applications for enterprises.
Being a developer-friendly language framework (as depicted before) Ruby helps the programmers to build self-confidence in creating secure, full of functional and timely applications.
The runtime of Ruby is mediocre and this characteristic won’t affect the productivity of application developed for small and medium scale companies. But, at the same time, large-sized applications have to face more complications especially in terms of loading.
Time to market
Reaching the market on time and executing the application is made easy with Ruby and Ruby on Rails since its inception it has earned a large pool of developers who have been an integral part of its growth and created various open sources to reach out the market.
Popular brands built on Ruby: Airbnb, Shopify and GitHub
Who needs Ruby on Rails?
If you are startup who needs an immediate application with several functionalities then Ruby on Rails will be the best choice.
We are the leading web development agency in Chennai, India who deliver the most customized service to our clients in app building.
Next to Ruby on Rails, Python is the highly preferred language in creating an MVP application to sense the feasibility of your business reach.

Similar to Ruby, Python is also an interpreted language that comes out with dynamic typing and it aims to bring in better readability for developers similar to the way Ruby brought a developer-friendly environment.
Python codes are highly intuitive and it exactly resembles the code of Ruby when it comes to readability. Python codes can be used to develop both small scale and large scale enterprise applications, and when it comes to the running time it becomes a bit dull but still, it won’t affect the creation of startup applications.
We are the best Python development company in Chennai, India who deliver to the core exclusiveness in our app development service.
Even though Python is said to be a general-purpose language, it plays a big role in creating dedicated applications for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Python is the top preferred language in deploying machine learning algorithms and various chatbots, predictive analytic solutions and image recognition software were built using Python-based machine learning algorithm.
Python is not just for machine learning software creation, when combined with its framework Django, Python can create multi-faceted applications like social media platform Instagram and Bitbucket version controller repository.
Time to Market
Being the framework of Python language, Django is created to build an application that reaches the target market in a safe and scalable way and therefore it is the best application framework to create any kind of MVPs.
Thousands of open-source do exist in the Python world and it helps the developers to create any kind of applications effortlessly.
Python leads 3rd in Github when it comes to repository holding and at the same time, Django has 1500 supporting developers with it.
We are the leading Django development agency in Chennai, India who provide industry specific application services.
Who can use Python (Django)?
Being a tech startup, if you are into creation of any kind of machine learning based tool then Python will be the safest move to handle the development process.
When it is about shortlisting the best languages and frameworks for creating an MVP then PHP and Laravel were found to be the best here. PHP as a language is well suited for creating web applications and it can be easily embedded with HTML too.
The uniqueness of PHP is, it is not developed from any core idea instead it is developed on the growth of daily basis.
We are the best team of PHP developers in Chennai, India who dwell deep into your application requirement to cater futuristic service.

Considered to be the highly influencing language, PHP is used to create any kind of application and it has done it in the past. Among millions of websites, content management systems like WordPress and Joomla are a part of PHP originators. Ranging from small-scale applications to billion-dollar business yielding apps like Facebook are created using PHP.
Laravel, on the other hand, is the framework created based on PHP and built using the component of Symfony 2. Laravel has acquired MIT License, this licensing was made to bring in an extensive application and then focus on syntactic sugar only.
Perfect time to market
Laravel as a framework always thinks, acts, responds and reacts to situations handling in creating an application. These are found to be highly helpful for operational web application, microservices and API creation.
PHP has a lot of open-source libraries with it, which are highly useful in creating any complex applications using different types of available frameworks. Laravel being an upcoming framework has a certain barrier in entry and moreover, it has the lowest amount of community when compared with other frameworks.
Brands created on PHP: Facebook, Joomla and WordPress
Who needs PHP?
If you are looking out for a programming language or framework that got well-established and can create a full application end-to-end then PHP is the right choice.
We are the best website development service providers in Chennai, India who deliver expertised service in Laravel framework to build a highly scalable application.
The Node.JS is a programming language that implements Javascript everywhere paradigm and it is well-known as a runtime environment that used to execute Javascript outside the browser.

Node.JS used to build the real-time web application and found to be the best preference, where any kind of real-time apps like messaging app, healthcare app etc. Can be created using this language. Meteor.JS being a full-stack framework renders complete support for Node.JS in app creation.
Time to Market
Meteor framework is used to create cross-application seamlessly and moreover, it provides the developers with the benefit of implementing several out-of-box strategies with deploying less amount of code.
Brands built on Node.JS:
Rocket.Chat and Tap to Speak
Who requires Meteor framework?
Being a startup, if you require to build a real-time web application, then Meteor framework suits you the best.
We are the eccentric Node.JS development service provider in Chennai, India who build high-secured applications.
MVPs are not just built using interpreted languages, they are also created using compiled languages and scala is the one which is a compiled programming language that uses its framework called Play to create the required applications.
Scala is created to purposefully to fix the issues faced by Java and this language being compiler of nature is static type runnable and capable of creating strong function-based programming capabilities. Scala is easily compatible and runs better than Java which helps developers to create codes faster.

Scala has no issues with the runtime and helps the coders to create an application much faster, ensuring reliability added with high performance. The complete back-end functionalities of Twitter was created using Scala and its framework play works based on Model view controller architecture type that helps the developers to create high-performing apps.
Time to Market
Since both the programming language and framework maintains consistency in run time, the time to market is maintained without any hassles. To maintain the runtime it prefers the convention over configuration paradigm.
Brand used Scala: Twitter
Who must use Scala?
If you require your application on time and the run-time of application is important then you can opt out for Scala.
We provide promising web development services in Chennai, India that fulfills all your application development needs.
Who needs What?
Choosing the framework or suitable programming language purely depends upon the application you develop and the industry to which you belongs too. We are the most experienced website development company in Chennai, India, who are highly aware of the app development trends and possess enough expertise to suggest the best suiting platform for you.