- 60% of users says that they wont prefer a badly designed mobile site for their friends.
- The Success ratio of content slider in web design is just 1%
- 67% of traditional retailers prefer mobile ready website oriented presence
a) Customized UI and Ever-changing content
Since its day one, digital marketing is inching towards rendering a completely personalized UI design and dynamic content that would reflect the need of the visitor in a single view.
Having personalized UI design and highly dynamic website content would certainly facilitate your business and yield more profit in a consecutive period.
For example, Netflix is a successful streaming web app/mobile app is a perfect example of having dynamic content which displays a selective set of web series or film list according to the user’s browsing history or views.
Being a proficient web designing company in Chennai, India we provide personalized UI design service for our clients that are industry and user specific to the core.
b) Voice Over User Interface (VUI)
Mark my words, VUI will be the most commanding web designing trend in 2020 and also in future.
Since companies are moving towards the position of providing personalized service and service related information on their website, embedding a VUI effect would be a strong move towards personalized website creation.
The implementation of this element would project your concern towards the client and also gives you a competitive edge amongst your peers.
People using VUI in leading tech giant products like Amazon’s Alexa are feeling that they were interacting with a friend rather than a search engine and feels more comfortable in using a long-term search phrase.
Being the leading website design company in Chennai, India we offer the best VUI element to your website that highly gets synchronized.

c) Ensure the loading speed

So, it is seriously important to have a fast loading and highly interactive website design for your business.
You must look out for experienced and friendly web design agency in Chennai, India that would help you to get a fast loading wesbite.
d) Agumented Reality

e) Sticky Elements
We provide eccentric website designing services in Chennai, India that impends beneficial sticky element as a part in the right place to keep your visitors focused and help you to convert them as your clients.
f) Video-Centric Content
g) Grid Layout

Framing a website layout is highly crucial which plays the role of the decider in its success, using grid layout is the current trend, that would set up the fire in 2020 by registering a big raise.
The grid layout is said to bring the required equilibrium between the textual, image, video-based and white space content after trying out with numerous approaches.
We are the top web design company in Chennai, India, who offer eye-catching trending designs that would project your website’s uniqueness and creates a separate space in the industry.
h) Illustrative and Geomentric Shapes
The geometric shapes are never going to fadeClick edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. out totally, and it would always be part and parcel of web designing trends that could change every year (possibly).
Implementing illustrative shapes and geometrical elements are found to be the perfect alternative for high-resolution elements keeps your visitors engaging and pushes them towards the next section of the page.
You need to look out for a responsible creative web design company that could help you implement this element into your website.

i) Accessibility and Security
Being a highly used CMS, WordPress is also vulnerable to hacks with 542 attempts last year (2018)
The global ageing population gets 3X every year and it imposes better website accessibility

Here comes the most useful trend that would even facilitate users with physical challenges, accessibility is something which a website design includes as an element to favour all categories of audience irrespective of their visionary status.
Added up to its security is also considered as the most important element to be considered while creating a website and we being the most prefered website design service provider in Chennai, India guarantees you with secured website service.
Web Design Dont’s in 2020
- Avoid using parallelax scrolling as they can eat up your loading time and would end up with disappointing your visitor (specifically the first timers) which should not happen at any case.
- Opting out a single page website design always has a 50:50 chance that might not be a safe move at all. Ofcourse these sleeky websites are navigation friendly but certainly not suitable for search engine favor.
- Make it simple, yes do not overdose your website with complicated images and tons of content which is not prefered by the visitors at any age just stick with your basics and go with the flow of presenting a neat and precised web page.