Start Note
Organizations and business enterprises are fighting hard between each other to retain their hard-earned customers and to hold a solid position in the industry.
Since attaining customer loyalty and presenting a service according to their wish is getting more and more complicated companies are opting out for solution-based software and tools that would save their time and enhance their business together.
Potential clients are looking out for products and services that would replicate their need in them packed with high-end uniqueness. We are the leading social media marketing company in Chennai, India who used to implement updated technologies in every walks of our services to
Why Social Media Marketing is Important
Social media is one of the most productive platforms that play the most crucial role in driving high business for the diversified scale of organizations in a cost-effective way.
Being active in social media platforms not just help you in attaining a better on-page ranking but also paves the way towards improved sales and business expansion. A company needs to handle social media properly in turn to achieve the desired goal and fruitful results.

- Creates brand awareness
- Cost effective results
- High consumer engagement
- Increased brand loyalty
- Complete customer satisfaction
- Market dominance
- Increased online traffic
- Better SEO rankings
- Out beat competition
- More sales and ROI
Knowing the sheer responsibility of social media marketing, we deliver expertise solutions in a most customized way that would help you in attaining lead position in the industry and earn the unbreakable loyalty of your target customers.
Few Stats on Social Media Marketing
- 75% of the marketers are still unaware about generating organic traffic through Facebook
- 87% of organizations agree that social media have created more business opportunities compared to other marketing techniques.
- When compared to 2017, Instagram usage has increased from 54-66% among business organizations
- Still 79% business marketers are not well versed with LinkedIn ad generation
- More than 63% of companies use marketing video content as a part of social media promotion
Being the pioneer of technology solution we at iStudio Technologies is the top social media marketing company in Chennai,India implements the best strategy that would deliver progressive growth for your business.

The above stats clearly shows us that social media is still not used at its fullest, there might be several reasons behind it like misunderstanding the functionality of social media, improper usage and most importantly scattered approach of social media due to lack of time and resources. To overcome this issue the technology world has come up with the solution of introducing automated tools for social media networks that would help organizations in several ways to promote their brand in these digital platforms. We are the most updated social media marketing company in Chennai, India who delivers enhanced and solution oriented services that help you to acquire a strong position in all the social media platforms.
How Social Media Automation Helps your Business
Scheduled and on-time posting
One of the striking benefits of automated social media tool is that you can post content in the scheduled time which is pre-created. This tool does not just save your working time instead of it also delivers trending messages and information to the target client base which helps you to drive the desired amount of online traffic. We at iStudio Technologies are innovative social media marketing company in Chennai, India who offers growth oriented service by delivering advanced tool to enrich your digital marketing activities.
Easy way of content curation
Apart from marketing content posting these automated tools enact as the handiest ones in developing source content. The organization needs to insert the required keyword phrases, target customer profiles and mention their business services and industry which helps them to retrieve productive content from various blog repositories.
These tools also help to organize the collected or curated content and publish it in the platforms in a better way. Highly experienced social media marketing company in Chennai, India who delivers end-to-end productive and result oriented service that helps you to reach the specific targeted set of customers in an effortless way.
Analytics and Insights

Now you have automated your social media platforms accordingly in a way that you can retrieve your business credibility through posting updated marketing content and scheduling content marketing techniques in a timely way, this automated marketing content can be tracked easily through implementing key performance metric analyzers that records and provides detailed results on automated social media marketing content.
This deep-rooted analytical report not just provide you with the results of your automated social media marketing it also helps to know your lagging area and rectify the same through continuous improvement. Our detailed set of social media marketing services in Chennai, India allows you to explore more about the tool which is offered and utilize the same in the best way to attain maximum business profit and expand customer base.
3 Tips to Efficiently Use Automated Social Media Marketing
a) Add value to the post schedule
One of the striking benefits of automated social media tool is that you can post content in the scheduled time which is pre-created. This tool does not just save your working time instead of it also delivers trending messages and information to the target client base which helps you to drive the desired amount of online traffic. We at iStudio Technologies are innovative social media marketing company in Chennai, India who offers growth oriented service by delivering advanced tool to enrich your digital marketing activities.
b) Target your demography
Not only about content posting, but an organization must also think about their target demographics that are the real one’s drives your business successfully. Reading the minds of your targeted end customer is found to be important here, one must know when will be their target customers will be active in social media to provide them with proper marketing content.
Results on user behavior on Facebook and Twitter
- Most of the Facebook and Twitter users are found to be active and shares more number of posts after 1pm
- Thursday and Friday are found to peak business days
- B2B business tweets get more number of shares between Monday to Friday and the B2C businesses get more engagement especially on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Make good use of analytics
There are lots of tools prevailing out to help you analyze the working process of your social media activities by providing detailed insights about things that are working in favor of your efforts and also about the turning stones. An organization must use proper and suitable analytical tools that will play a handy role in your business companies can use a varied set of analytical tools used for different purposes like analyzing consumption metrics, sharing metrics, lead generation metrics and sales metrics according to their business motto to understand their clients and evaluate their approaches.
We are a renowned social media marketing company in Chennai, India offers the widest range of digital marketing support that guides towards progressive growth.
End Note
Automated social media tools are introduced at the right time that would serve diversified businesses with sheer benefits
- It brings in real consistency in your social media marketing efforts
- It gives you complete authority in all the activities you carry out
- It paves way towards business expansion
- Content posted using automated social media tools must be flexible especially when it comes to ad-hoc posts
- Even the social media marketing process is automated it need to reach target clients at the right time
- It helps your business by properly navigating in picking the does and don’ts exactly