Since its inception, web design trends has evolved frequently (9 times) till date to keep the ever changing mindset of customers fulfilled and satisfied in every single aspect. The global growth rate of websites and designs are immense and unimaginable and it has become part and parcel of any business now days. The number of startups kept increasing proportionally to the emergence of new technologies and other applications.
At the same time the web design industry also upgraded itself according to the demand of new start-ups and incorporated changes within it to bring out the required design. According to today’s scenario, 97% of startups across the globe are highly dependent on website design to promote their business and compete with their rivals. In this digitized world, website is highly mandatory and an effective web design plays a huge role here. A startup adopting the right approach towards presenting its website will be the lead player of industry.
This write-up will be depicting about some of the useful practices that a startup needs to be followed to present a high impactful web design according to their targeted users.
We at iStudio Technologies, have helped tons and tons of startups through providing exceptional and custom web design services which has made a tremendous impact on their business by bringing in prospective clients.
No Compromise With Design Quality
According to a recent research done by Adobe 94% of website visitor’s used to leave a page if the design is not attractive and convincing, all this happens within 5 seconds of time. So these 94% of the users are important for you as a startup and you need to impress them within 5 seconds.
This clearly states that exceptional web design is not a contributing element for a website’s success, but it is a mandatory aspect which determines the position of a website in Google’s heart (obviously customer’s mind).
Wow factors always do wonders, no matter what kind of business you do? And who is your targeted customers? Pin point their exact need and hit hard on it by portraying that you can get rid of it.
If you fail to do so, you are knowingly contributing towards your competitor’s growth by letting out your leads. As a best web design company, iStudio Technologies helps you by providing high-quality design which improves the rate of prospective client flow into your site.

Target Customers
A study states that startups creating customer-centric website design tend to possess 400% conversion rate when compared to their competitors.
The second important aspect and the most basic one, which needs to be considered is about target customers and their need. Keep your target customers in mind and then start designing your site. Remember, always a greater UX design with high target customer engagement will definitely generate greater revenue and this factor is very much important when it comes to startups.
We at iStudio Technologies, provide affordable web design servicesthat enhance the growth rate of startups among their competitors.
Follow Unique Design Strategy
A well framed web design strategy sorts out half your burden. Before approaching a web design service provider, as startup organizations try ask yourself where you stand as a startup in the entire industry and compare yourself with your competitors and bring out the perks you have.
In order to frame a proper web design strategy you need to find answer for these three important questions:
- What is the exact message or information that you would like to convey with your design?
- The design incorporated in your website represents your brand, value, and your scope of service?
- What kind of impact would you like to leave on your target client when they visit your site?
Yes, you will be definitely using some awful and innovative designs in your website, but before that you need to make sure that you get proper answer to the above mentioned questions in order to frame the right strategy.

Instinctual Navigation
According to a survey done on navigability of startups’ website, it is found that 50% of targeted visitors who approaches a new website via referral links used to check with the navigation menus first before exploring the website completely.
Being a startup people would have lot of queries about you in their mind and the only thing that could feed them in a positive way is your navigation rate. The better your website navigability the higher will be your client engagement which would create a brighter scope for conversion.
A newly designed website with proper navigation buttons helps your customers to move on quickly and explore your website completely. On the other hand, a website with poor user experience will destroy your visitors’ mood and paves way towards high bounce rate.
As a professional web design company, iStudio Technologies brings in high-range of navigability your website by breaking the startup feel immediately and showcase you as a promising player in the industry.
Responsive Web Design Is The Key
Around 73% of website visitors say that they get deeply engaged when it is found to be responsive friendly. The chance of a mobile-user abandoning a website is 5 times higher when compared with a desktop user. This data shows the importance of designing a responsive website especially for mobiles.
Display only the key elements when it comes to mobile screen and try to provide it in an attractive way. Mobile based target customers are highly exceptional as they look out for some unique and innovative information with better UX to stay focused till the end.
As a top website design company, iStudio Technologies are the lead players in providing responsive web design to your startup business in order to expand your client base.

Highly Engaging Content
Content plays a crucial part in representing a website, and when it comes to startup its role becomes highly important. Remember if the content is too long 30% of the visitors will switch to next section immediately, and 38% of them will abandon the entire site.
Try to add at least one engaging video in your site, which has the potential of driving in 73% of targeted clients to your site. Adding upto the flame, speed of the site is very much important here so concentrate on getting a good hosting provider.
As a best web design company, iStudio Technologies provides complete assistance with the content for your entire website to convey your services in a better way to your targeted audience.
Highly Engaging Content
As per recent study almost 70% of the startups do not place a proper CTA (Call to Action) button in their web page, which is found to be great drawback for their business.
Clients find it highly complicated to convey their needs in the absence of a CTA button. Positioning a proper CTA button like Buy now, Submit or Download will help clients to acquire your service and also the brand to hold their clients.
As a corporate website design company, iStudio Technologies offers a lead convertible website design with proper CTA button.

Creating Unique Brand Identity
Having a unique brand identity through possessing exclusive logo for your business always boosts your competitive niche in the industry. It is estimated that brand identity contribute 23% of total conversion rate in the digital world.
As the best web design company, iStudio Technologies helps you through providing unique logo that brings in real brand value for your product and services.
End Note
Through following the above mentioned practices a startup can come out with a high competing and promising design for your website to have a kick start business. As the best website design company, iStudio Technologies provide highly engaging and extraordinary designs that would make the real difference in your online presence and helps to earn potential clients.