

Any website can be optimized through two different approach like on-page SEO or off-page SEO. These two optimization involves various techniques in it to bring up the ranking of a particular website. These two have special features in them individually by helping in search engine optimization.
As the leading SEO service providing company in Chennai, India iStudio Technologies helps you to out beat your business competitors through providing seamless SEO service.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO involves in creating website content, updating with website features, framing meta description and title tag for the website. These are the key factors influencing on-page SEO supported by additional factors like SILOS, Site performance, canonical URLs, internal link anchor text, site map, 301/404 errors, keyword density.
As the best SEO Company in Chennai, India, iStudio Technologies takes all the measures to position your website in the top ranking of Google’s first page.

  • SILOS- Siloing a website means arranging various web pages of a website in a proper order for the viewers in a more pleasing and presentable way.
  • Site Performance- site performance basically refers to checking the loading speed of the website when it is viewed by the visitor. Based on the site or web performance the website or a particular web page is accessed or a file is downloaded.
  • Canonical URLs- Few websites where created in order to access via multiple device like desktop, laptop and mobile. Website owners must clearly mention to browsers like Google to focus on which device, in order to make them primary. If in case the organization or business didn’t mention then the browser will fix the device by default according to the business handled.
  • Internal Links- links which belongs to a specific web domain which are inter-linked to one another in order to direct the visitors. These links provide support to information flow and also helps in website ranking.
  • Site map- Site maps directs various users at various time towards a website. It is basically of three types which is viewed by developers initially, then the users and the search engines some times. 301/404 errors- This error occurs while any of the page is removed or re-directing of a page is not done properly. Keyword density- as mentioned it describes about the number of times a specific keyword appears in a given web page. The relevancy of a website or a web page is determined based on keyword phrase. iStudio provides you the best SEO service in Chennai.

Off-page SEO

  • Social-media presence- Highly engaging your website in social media platforms like facebook, twitter etc. Is the most effective and best off-page SEO approach.
  • Social-bookmarking sites- Presenting your website in social bookmarking sites like, and is considered to be the highly promoting work.
  • Active in Forum – Participate in various forum happenings by presenting topics, answering to queries by providing feedback and advice related to your business or industry.
  • Article writing- write articles relevant to your service in a well established directory by attaching your website links. This is considered as indirect marketing for your site, content needs to be highly creative, trendy and unique.
  • Q&A session- participating in question and answer session is the simplest yet effective way in reaching your website to your targeted audience. Be an active part of Q&A sites like Yahoo, Quora and ehow by giving proper answers relevant to the subject frequently.
  • Visual presence- presenting your service through video formats help you in grabbing a huge crowd at a short span of time, upload your videos frequently in YouTube, vimeo, vine. By linking the URL of your website. We are the best web SEO Company in Chennai.

On page and off page SEO stands neck to neck when it comes to prioritization. Both these optimizing techniques are important for ranking a website in higher order, yet experts prefer on-page SEO instead of off page SEO