Ticket Link

Venue Details

Date: November 27-28’ 17
Place: The Mixc office ( No.1799 Wuzhong Road)

Grab Your Tickets For Shanghai Techcrunch

After hosting a successful event in Shenzhen, China back in June’ 17 TechCrunch is now ready to host yet another event for start-ups this time in Shanghai. TechCrunch has planned to take this as a two days event (November 27-28) by including various technical discussions this time.

About Techcrunch

TechCrunch is basically an American based web publisher owned by Oath Inc. This web publisher is headquartered in Bay Area, which involves in posting technology related news updates, information on technocrats, technology based start-ups and opinion sharing on new technology by analyzing its impact.

Articulator And Investor Invite

Aiming to take this event bigger and deeper in every dimension, TechCrunch has planned to invite speakers who belong to top management of big companies like CITIC, NIO, We work, Ur work, Xiaomi, Alibaba, Naked Group and Lego China.
TechCrunch has made sure that more number of Venture Capitalist (VC) will present for this second event in Shanghai. This includes VCs like Sequia China, IDG, Zhen Fund, GGV, Northern Light, Cherubic, Morningside and many more.

Technical Discussions

To take this event much more deeper, technical discussions will be held aside for two days and it is classified into two categories. Where first set will discuss about smart supply chain on day one and about trending opportunities on day two. On the other
hand the second set will be discussing about bio-medical industry on first day followed by its block chain activities on day two.


Hackathon and kids

With the aim of involving people from all demographic profiles TechCrunch also conduct “ Hackathon” an interesting competition for the hackers to prove their talent, plus special competitions were also conducted for kids to explore their technological talent. These two competitions will be taking place in the weekend (Nov 25-26) before the conference starts.