Conversion rate is a way of counting the number of potential customers who buy a particular product in general sense. If we talk about websites then it means the average number of customers who log on to a website not only to view it but also buy a product from that website.
There are a number of factors that affect this number they range from attention grabbing headline to offering a price-match guarantee. These all factors are basically attention seekers they only work when these factors grab the attention of the customer
Attention-Grabbing Headline
“On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy “says DAVID OGILVY (widely hailed as “The Father of Advertising”), so therefore the headline of any website should be attractive enough to grab the attention of the visitor it shouldn’t be very long or very short it should be short and sweet and should have words or phrases that interest the reader and it should also hint the reader about what he/she is going to find in that article. Headlines create a first impression on the reader that interests them or in other words forces them to read it or it could bore them and that would end up discarding or not reading the article.
Displaying The Stock Of That Commodity
Quite a few times there is a possibility that the customer has the money to buy the product but is not willing to buy it due to his/her personal reasons which may range from minor financial crisis to etc. Therefore by displaying the stock commodity on the website if the stock is less like for example there is only two in stock then the customer will discard his plans of purchasing or spending on anything else so therefore displaying the stock of the commodity encourages the customer to buy that particular product.
Price Match Guarantee
Price match guarantee basically gives customers a sense of safety that this website is selling this particular product at the cheapest price available in the market so therefore this type of guarantee if given it attracts the customers as whichever company who provides a price match guarantee to its customers is most desirable by customers as they get a feeling of security of the fact that their prices are lower than any other company present in the market.s For more technical details you can take help of some Web development company in Chennai
Have A Clear Return Policy
Nowadays there is a trend of internet shopping and this trend has become a craze so, if the customers are provided with a clear return policy then the customer won’t have to worry about the quality, the size, the colour etc. before purchasing the product from this website so in order words this kind of policy is most desirable by the customers. If you want to look for some professional help from some good web design company in Chennai.
Have Customer Testimonials
Customer testimonials are basically customer reviews these reviews are important as these reviews give an insight of the product and thereby building the confidence of the customers in buying that particular product if you know your product is the best in the market then it is very essential to put up customer testimonials as there would only be positive reviews so that could be a type of usp(unique selling point) and you should take maximum advantage of it.